Eingana Magazine
Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that the current edition of Eingana (May 2024) contains images and names of people who have died.
Eingana is the well-regarded journal of Environment Education Victoria that we have been publishing for over 30 years.
It showcases the work of environment educators around Victoria, across a range of themes and subjects, and is a publication that EEV Members receive as part of their membership. Schools receive printed copies as part of their membership. For individual members, printed copies can be purchased online here.
EEV Members also have unlimited access to the digital archive of Eingana editions.
Each year, we seek contributions from our members and friends of members across a range of subjects – here are some examples of the kinds of stories that have featured in past editions.
From community educator Matt MacArthur:
Storytelling: The most important skill I ever learnt
From Monash University, School of Global, Urban and Social Studies:
Sustaining the Sustainers: Emotional adaptation in Environmental Education
From Educator of the Year, Nicola Forrest:
Embedding sustainability in the core of our teaching
The next Eingana will be published in May 2025. The theme will centre around the circular economy and will be titled “The Circular Economy - closing the loop and regenerating nature”. We’re inviting people to pitch story ideas to us for inclusion.
In the context of environment education, we’re inviting stories of between 500-1500 words that highlight your ideas, programs already actioned, interesting case studies from schools/teachers/students/other organisations, and thoughts about the future of the circular economy.
Article length: 500-1500 words, to be accompanied by 3-6 high-res images that have permission to be published in print and online. You will be asked to sign an image permission form.
Closing date for expressions of interest: Monday 23rd December, 2024.
Closing date to submit final content and images: Monday 3rd February, 2025.
Please email your article idea for consideration: communications@eev.vic.edu.au.