Resources for ResourceSmart Schools

EEV’s Easy actions to get active fast

We’ve created step by step guides to to help you with:

Recent ResourceSmart Schools Newsletters

Biodiversity Resource Library

See a list of online resources available from organisations aross the state, that can help you learn about your local biodiversity and deliver lessons.

BIOdiversity School Program Library

See a list of school programs and citizen science opportunities, run by organisations across the state, that your school can link in to.

Calculating surface areas

This 5 minute instructional video will show you how to use Google Maps to gather the data you need to calculate surface areas within your school site.

Click on the image to play the video.

entering bills into rss online

Entering your bills is essential to complete your modules and receive your stars. It also shows you where there are opportunities to save money, and how much you've saved through being ResourceSmart.

This recorded webinar will show you the process for entering bills in the ResourceSmart Schools Online platform. Examples are shown for electricity and paper.

Click on the image to play the video.

Want to suppoRt local biodiversity? Where Do you start?

How much do you know about your local biodiversity? What habitat types exist in your local area? How much of it is left? What are the characteristic and common local native plant and animal species? Are there any threatened species found in your area? Is it a huge job to research these answers?

In this recorded session, we give you a crash course in using free online resources to answer to all those questions and more, leaving you ready to start planning biodiversity activities that your school can run to protect and support local species!

Click on the image to play the video.

Supporting Student Wellbeing and Student Voice

Why does student voice matter? How can we support our young people to have a sense of agency and hope in this deeply challenging time?

In this recorded session, we explore the links between student voice and student wellbeing, plus how you can support your students to get more active in more meaningful ways! We'll start by hearing from the experts at VicSRC (we'll be joined by the CEO, Nina Laitala, and a current student representative) then we'll hear from a teacher and their student action team who will share their journey of student empowerment.

Click on the image to play the video.

Student Action & Leadership in RSS

Check out our guide to the most relevant actions and opportunities.

raise money for your school with the container deposit scheme

Be part of the Circular Economy!

Set up your school to raise money from the Container Deposit Scheme (CDS).

Hear Clancy Wright from VICReturn explain how the CDS works, how to sign up as a donation partner and discuss ideas for ways to fundraise with CDS Vic.

This is a recording from the online Webinar held in April 2024.

Click on the image to play the video.

You can download the presentation slides here.

Make the Most of the Aussie Bird Count

Get your students involved in Aussie Bird Count week! Use the results to help you complete your biodiversity audit (specifically, the native species section of the audit) and to mark off other RSS actions.

Here are two great resources we’ve made for you:

  • A document linking activity ideas and resources to the Victorian curriculum and to RSS! Super helpful, right?

  • A checklist your students can use to identify and track birds in your school grounds

Get twitching and get active in RSS!

ResourceSmart Activities that can be done ANYWHERE, ANYTIME!

Twenty actions you can complete to continue your ResourceSmart Journey