Work With Us


Do you want to shape the way new generations of Victorians learn about environmental sustainability, and connect and contribute to our communities?

Become President of Environment Education Victoria’s Committee of Management to influence environmental education in Victoria.

To understand more about the President’s role, how the committee of management operates, the separation of duties between committee and staff at EEV, and expectations of committee members, please see the full advertisement and other details below.

Applications close by 14 February 2025 with a view to commencing in the role in March.

We are seeking applicants who possess experiences and skills particularly as a:

  1. Secondary school teacher (especially if you have experience teaching VCE Environmental Science) or senior leader with

    • Knowledge of school operations and pedagogy, curriculum and embedding cross-curricular priorities

  2. Marketing and strategic planning with

    • Fundraising strategy and promotion experience

    • Stakeholder engagement and coordination experience

  3. People and culture with

    • Organisational transformation and improvement experience