More trees for a cooler greener west:
Information for Teachers

What is the project?

The Victorian government has a target of planting 500,000 trees in Melbourne’s West, to increase the urban tree cover.

In this phase of the project, we are planting 3,000 trees on school campuses in Brimbank, Hobson’s Bay, Maribyrnong, Melton, Mooney Valley and Wyndham.

It’s a project that helps schools prepare for Climate Change and improves school grounds for comfort and connection with nature.

Imagine shady spots at lunch time, critters and birds in abundance to entertain curious minds and cooler classrooms.


The Impact of increased temperature on learning

Did you know that increasing temperatures can impact student learning? Harvard University have completed a study showing that every degree Fahrenheit increase in temperature leads to a one percentage point fall in student grades. Read more here.

How do trees help us adapt to climate change?

Trees in urban areas mitigate the impact of the Urban Heat Island Effect, convert Carbon Dioxide into Oxygen, provide habitat for local fauna and create calming environments which help students to connect with nature. Read more here.


This project is supported by the Victorian government through the More trees for a cooler greener west” program.

Helping schools prepare for Climate Change through increasing urban tree cover.

Learn more here.